
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Words of Eternal Life - Historic Book of Mormon

Words of Eternal Life is now live. It has taken a while to come this far, and we are excited about what is happening.

To honor the work of the Prophet Joseph Smith, we are publishing the Historic Edition of the Book of Mormon. The facsimiles of an original 1840 Book of Mormon and a PDF of the Historic Edition can be downloaded now. A printed book and e-book will be available soon.​

The 1840 Book of Mormon is significant because this edition of the Book of Mormon was carefully revised by the translator, Joseph Smith Jr., born December 23, 1805 - died June 27, 1844.

We give all the glory to God for the completion of this work. We express gratitude for the many who have contributed to this project and have labored with us. 

Happy Birthday Joseph!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Zions Return

Zion is not just a topic, but has consistently proven to be of high priority and of great importance to every prophet of God from the days of Adam down to today. According to the scriptures, Zion has only been established two times on this earth since the time of Adam and a prophesied third time of Zion being brought forth and experienced during the last days, just prior to and preparatory for Christ's second coming.

Zion made its first appearance in the days of Enoch and its second appearance later in the days of Melchizedek. Both followed the same preparation pattern to receive Zion. Both preached repentance and baptized, and thereby established a City of Holiness and peace upon the mountains and high places; and the Lord called his people Zion because they were of one heart and one minddwelt in righteousness; and there were no poor among them. Their hearts were pure.

These are the same characteristics of the Zion prophesied to again be found on earth in the last days, before the Lord returns in His glory. Throughout history God has covenanted with, promised, and assured many of His servants that in the last days God would indeed bring again Zion. When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in His glory.

Since we are currently living in the last days, it seems important to me to take note of what is happening before our very eyes. I have enjoyed and appreciated the information shared on line and you may find it valuable too.

Here is the link: