
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I Will Watch Over Them

It is not enough to receive my covenant, but you must also abide it. And all who abide it, whether on this land or any other land, will be mine, and I will watch over them and protect them in the day of harvest, and gather them in as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. I will number you among the remnant of Jacob, no longer outcasts, and you will inherit the promises of Israel. You shall be my people and I will be your God, and the sword will not devour you. And unto those who will receive will more be given, until they know the mysteries of God in full. T&C 157:48 [emphasis added]

The Joy of Raising Chickens

I never tire of gathering the chickens each evening. I’m always delighted to see scattered chickens run full speed to greet me. I walk them into the coop and shut the door behind us. I feed them food scraps and grain. Then I gather their eggs. As I leave, I latch the door behind me, leaving them safe inside while nocturnal predators prowl outside. 

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