One of the organizers of Women’s Cancel #1 and Women’s Cancel #2 called me in a frustrated rage Tuesday, April 30, 2024. She demanded I explain why I am standing between their Cancels and the man they are attacking. She asked a very good question, so I will explain.
Even though this man has been a friend of our family for over ten years, is in our home fellowship, and we have a daily walk with him, I am not defending him. I am defending a sacred trust, a spiritual government and kingdom not of this world, a stone cut out without hands.
It’s been almost seven years since we called the first women’s council. This last week, I read words written September 23, 2017 regarding the women's council. What happened in 2017?
The first women’s council was formed with this prayer directing our intentions, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; and peace, equity, and justice be restored to the earth once again.”
After our council made a unanimous decision, we had three days of peace, palpable peace, and then all hell broke loose. Women faced turmoil and fierce opposition as men and women sought to invalidate the decision of the council. I’ve thought much about what happened seven years ago. Who was fighting against the council? And for what purpose?
Women governing the use of priesthood in our day is the only mechanism we have been given to regulate the kingdom of our God. The sustaining vote of women is essential in governing men using priesthood outside their home.
It is vital women understand and perform our essential role with judgment, justice, mercy, equity, and truth. The dragon seeks to devour the kingdom of our God in its infant state. If that were to happen, the ordinances of God would come to naught and be destroyed.
Why is Michael's voice heard on the banks of the Susquehanna, detecting the Devil when he appeared as an angel of light? Why are Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon? Could it be because Michael is the one charged with safeguarding the Holy Order? What is the ambition of the dragon?
Hell is raging! It’s a full-out war! The Devil has come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time. The wheat and the tares are being separated, and it is a painful process. The Lord counsels us to do as we are bidden, and we will have peace in this troubled world, which will be our first reward.
This newly revealed spiritual government will govern those who allow it, a stone cut out without hands. Obedience to God keeps us in the eye of the storm where it is peaceful. The criteria our Heavenly Parents have set must be met. Anything more or less than this cometh of evil. The Lord has given what He has given to be followed, neither to be added to nor taken from, but to be our counsel and guide.
So I answer the question, why am I standing between women’s Cancels and the man being attacked? If the abuse that has been manifested in these last two women’s Cancels were to be allowed, it would destroy this new kingdom and result in the death of the male child. As the Lord lives and as I live, I will continue doing what is in my power to maintain the integrity of women’s councils. It is my desire to protect and give strength to the young male child, the kingdom of our God and his Christ who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron.
No one gets to override the Lord’s guidelines. If anyone seeks to attack any man, woman, or child by mimicking and mocking a legitimate women's council by disregarding the instructions and commandments of the Lord, they must be held accountable by women who are committed to maintain the integrity of women’s councils. Those with authority need to be the ones to ensure authority is not abused.
Me thinks you doth protest too much. My question is why?
ReplyDeleteHave you, Jennifer, forgotten to use patience, long suffering, humility, meekness, love unfeigned in your efforts to defend the sacredness of the women’s council?
What is your name? I think that list includes pure knowledge and truth. What are you doing to defend the integrity of the women's council? Are you suggesting I turn a blind eye while the male child is killed?
DeleteIt saddens me to hear that there has been such abuse of power in the most recent women’s was with great trust the God gave us this opportunity to be part something wonderful. Thank you for standing up for what is right!