
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Truth - Ignoring, Avoiding

Some run from the truth and hide from it. Others ignore the truth and avoid it. To adapt Gandhi’s quote, one might say, “First they ignore the truth, then they laugh at the truth; then they fight the truth; and then the truth absolutely wins.” Why do people attempt to avoid reality or ignore the truth when it’s clearly presented?

In an era where information is at our fingertips, one might think that the truth would be embraced and celebrated. After all, with the vast resources available to us, uncovering facts and arriving at informed conclusions should be easier than ever, right? Unfortunately, that is not how things always turn out. 

When God shares information, instructions, and truth with mankind, few are interested. When authentic and authorized messengers from God declare His message for mankind, many fail to pay attention, correctly understand, or adhere to His words. Whenever knowledge, understanding, or truth originates or comes directly from God, it would seem reasonable for everyone to perk up with enthusiasm and never ignore or reject it. 

Yet, paradoxically, people often run from the truth, especially when it’s presented to them in a clear, unvarnished manner. People tend to run away even faster with greater determination when repentance or internal change is required. This avoidance of truth isn’t just a fleeting tendency; it’s a deeply ingrained behavior that has profound implications for individuals and society as a whole.

… “Now the people were deceived; so they ignored Abinadi’s words and tried to arrest him from that time forward. And king Noah completely ignored the Lord’s word and didn’t change his evildoing.”  (Mosiah 7:9 RE)

… “He has no rank or position deserving respect, and when we notice Him, there’s nothing about Him to please us. He is despised and rejected by men — a man of sorrow and familiar with disease. And we turned our faces away, ignoring Him. He was despised and thought to be of no value. Yet it was our sickness He took upon Himself, our suffering He endured.”  (Mosiah 8:3 RE)

… “They ignored warnings about their iniquities, and they wouldn’t abandon them. And though they were commanded to repent, they refused to repent.”  (Mosiah 8:14 RE)

… “How can you ever gain light and truth when you use one another as the final authority on truth, and ignore the light sent by the Most High God?” …   (T&C 171 - TSJ 5:10 RE)

Since God is truth, wouldn’t it be wise for me to read or hear His words, ponder their meaning, and determine how they specifically apply in my life? How are my current paradigms and ways of living matching up to the words I have received from God? What do I need to change? Start? Stop? Reconsider and repent of? Is there anything that I need to correct or make right? If I have questions, shouldn’t I ask God, reason with him, and correctly understand His perspectives and suggestions so I can properly live His words revealed to me for my situation? Wouldn't it be wise to be obedient to His instructions given to me? How could I realistically expect God to give me further instructions if I ignore and discard what He has already given me? If I obey what God has already given me, He promises to give me more. I believe this promise applies to all because God is no respecter of persons.

… “Many people are given knowledge of God’s mysteries; however, they’re placed under a strict command to only discuss that part of His word He allows to be given to mankind, corresponding to their obedience and diligence given to Him. Those who harden their hearts receive less of His word. Those who don’t harden their hearts are given a greater part of His word, until they understand God’s mysteries. They can be given God’s mysteries until everything is fully known. However those who harden their hearts are given less of His word, until they know nothing about His mysteries. Then the accuser captures them and leads them by his will down to destruction. This is what the chains of hell mean.” (Alma 9:3 CE)

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