
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Truth - The Illusion of Knowledge

Another reason people run from the truth is the illusion of knowledge, which can be a stumbling block like ignorance itself. In today’s information-saturated world, it’s easy for people to believe they’re well-informed when, in reality, they’re only consuming information that reinforces their existing beliefs. This illusion of knowledge creates a false sense of confidence making it difficult to accept new information that contradicts what we think we know.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when people overestimate their abilities or knowledge in a particular area. It can also cause people who excel at something to underestimate their abilities. People with limited knowledge or skills in a certain area may not be aware of how much they don't know. This can lead them to overestimate their abilities, even when compared to others' performance. A cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability, plays a role here. Those who are most confident in their “knowledge" are often the least likely to seek out or accept the truth when it challenges their beliefs. They run from the truth because they believe they already possess it, even when they don’t.

… “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” …  (2 Timothy 1:8 RE). Both "ever learning" and "never learning" breed dangerous forms of ignorance and carry consequences.

“Woe to those who cry out: Everything is fine! Woe to those who follow the worthless teachings of men and deny God’s power and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Woe to those who say: We’ve received enough of the truth and we don’t need any more. In short, woe to all those who shake with anger because of God’s truth. Because those built on God’s rock are glad to receive truth. But those built on a sandy foundation are afraid of falling. Woe to those who say: We’ve received God’s word; we don’t need more of God’s word because we have enough. This is what the Lord God has said: I’ll give mankind line upon line, a teaching here and a teaching there, a little here and a little there. Those who follow My teachings and listen to My counsel are blessed since they’ll learn wisdom. And I’ll give more to those who receive; but from those who say we have enough, even what they have will be taken away. Those who put their trust in the scholarly arrogance of men or follow the false teachings of a man are cursed, because only those teachings given by the power of the Holy Ghost are true.”  (2 Nephi 12:5-6 RE) (Bold added)

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