
Monday, February 3, 2025

Baptism, a Sign of Repentance

“Now if the Lamb of God, being holy, needed to be baptized by water to fulfill all righteousness, then how much more do we, being unholy, need to be baptized by water! I want to ask you, my dear people, how did the Lamb of God fulfill all righteousness by being baptized by water? Don’t you know that He was holy? However, despite being holy, He showed mankind that in the flesh He humbled Himself before the Father and witnessed to the Father that He was willing to obey Him by keeping His commandments. After He was baptized with water, the Holy Ghost descended upon Him in the form of a dove. This shows mankind the precise path and the exact gate through which they were to enter, since He provides the example for them. He has told mankind: Follow Me. Therefore, my dear people, can we follow Jesus without being willing to keep the Father’s commandments? The Father says: Repent, repent, and be baptized in the name of My Beloved Son. And the voice of the Son also spoke to me, saying: The Father will give the Holy Ghost to those who are baptized in My name, just like He did to Me. Therefore follow Me and do the things you’ve seen Me do. So, my dear people, I know if you follow the Son with all your heart — without being hypocritical or deceptive before God but acting with pure intent, repenting of your sins, showing to the Father you are willing to take upon yourselves the name of Christ by baptism, by following your Lord and Savior down into the water according to His word — then you will receive the Holy Ghost. Then the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost comes, and then you can speak the words of angels and shout praises to the Holy One of Israel.”  (2 Nephi 13:2 CE)

A number of questions arose and some conclusions came to me as I read in the Covenant of Christ and carefully considered the declarations of God recorded in 3 Nephi 5 and Mosiah 11 which are quoted below. In addition, I have included some thoughts, questions, and other scriptures regarding baptism, as a sign of repentance, which is performed with authority and power given from Jesus Christ.

 (Mosiah 11:20-22 CE)

20) After he had poured out his whole soul to God, the Lord’s voice spoke to him, saying: You are blessed, Alma. And those who were baptized in the waters of Mormon are blessed also. You are blessed because of your great faith based upon My servant Abinadi’s words. And they’re blessed because of their great faith based upon the words you’ve taught them. And you are blessed because you’ve established a congregation among this people. They will be strengthened and be My people. And this people is blessed, those who are willing to bear My name; they’ll be called in My name, and they’re Mine. Because you’ve asked Me about those who have done wrong, you are blessed. You are My servant, and I covenant with you that you will have eternal life.

21) You will serve Me, go out in My name, and gather My sheep. And any who hear My voice will be My sheep; and you will receive them into the congregation, and I’ll also receive them. This is My congregation. Whoever is baptized will be baptized as a sign of repentance; and whoever you receive must believe in My name, and I’ll freely forgive them. I Am the one who takes upon Myself the sins of the world, since I Am the one who created them. I Am the one who, in the end, will give to those who believe a place at My right hand. They’re called in My name; and if they know Me, they’ll come forward and have a place eternally at My right hand. And when the second trumpet sounds, those who never knew Me will arise and stand in front of Me. And then they’ll know that I Am the Lord their God, that I am their Redeemer, but they won’t be redeemed. Then I’ll declare to them that I never knew them, and they’ll go away into everlasting fire prepared for the accuser and his angels. Therefore I tell you that you must not receive into My congregation any who refuse to hear My voice, because I won’t welcome them on the last day. 

22) Therefore I tell you: Go; you must judge whoever sins against Me according to the sins they’ve committed. And if a person confesses their sins before you and Me and repents in the sincerity of their heart, you must forgive them; and I’ll forgive them also. And as often as My people repent I’ll forgive them of their offenses against Me. And you must also forgive each other’s offenses. I tell you truthfully: The person who doesn’t forgive their neighbor’s offenses when they say they repent, that person brings themselves under condemnation. Now I tell you: Go; and whoever won’t repent of their sins, the same won’t be included among My people. And this shall be observed from now on.

(3 Nephi 5:8-9 CE)

8) Then the Lord called up others and said the same thing, giving them power to baptize. He instructed them: You must baptize in the following manner, and there must not be any controversies about this. I instruct you that anyone who repents of their sins because of your words and wishes to be baptized in My name, you must baptize them in the following way: You must go down and stand in the water and baptize them in My name. Now these are the words that you must say, calling them by name, saying: Having authority given to me by Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And then you must immerse them under the water and bring them back out of the water. This is the way you must baptize in My name. Truly I tell you that the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost are united as one; I am in the Father and the Father in Me, and the Father and I are united as one. And exactly as I’ve commanded you, so you must baptize. You must not argue about this as you’ve done before, and you must not argue about the points of My doctrine either, as you’ve done before. In truth I tell you: Anyone who welcomes the spirit of conflict doesn’t follow Me, but is following the accuser, who’s the father of conflict. He incites people to angrily fight with each other. This isn’t My doctrine, to incite angry fighting by people. But this is My doctrine, everything like that should end.

9) Listen carefully to what I tell you: I will declare to you My doctrine. This is My doctrine, and it is the doctrine that the Father has given to Me: I testify of the Father, and the Father testifies of Me, and the Holy Ghost testifies of the Father and Me. I also testify the Father commands all people everywhere to repent and believe in Me. And anyone who believes in Me and is baptized will be saved, and they are who will inherit God’s kingdom. But anyone who doesn’t believe in Me and isn’t baptized will be damned. In truth I tell you this is My doctrine, and I testify of it from the Father. Anyone who believes in Me also believes in the Father, and the Father will testify to them of Me, since He will visit them with fire and with the Holy Ghost. In this way the Father will testify of Me, and the Holy Ghost will testify to them of the Father and Me, because the Father and I and the Holy Ghost are united as one. In addition, I say to you: You must repent and become as a little child and be baptized in My name, or under no circumstance can you receive these things. And again, I say to you: You must repent and be baptized in My name and become as a little child, or under no circumstances can you inherit God’s kingdom. In truth I tell you this is My doctrine. Whoever builds on this builds on My rock, and the gates of hell will not prevail against them. And those who declare more or less than this and establish it as My doctrine advocate evil and are not built upon My rock, but are built on a sandy foundation, and the gates of hell stand open to receive them when the floods come and the wind pounds them. Therefore go to this people and declare to the farthest reaches of the earth the words that I’ve spoken.

Who is blessed? God’s servant? Those baptized? His people? Why were they blessed? Were some blessed for a different reason than others were blessed? Why or why not?  When a servant of God speaks His word with authority, does God vouch for what is said? Is a message from God important to us? Valuable? On a more personal basis, what is the value of God’s message?  Is it worth seriously considering His message? Correctly understanding it? Receiving through the power of the Holy Ghost confirmation of it? Acting on it and doing it? How does God perceive those who exercise great faith in His words spoken by His authorized servant?  How about those who overlook His word, ignore it, dismiss it, or fail to act upon it? 

When the Lord says, “This is My doctrine, and it is the doctrine that the Father has given to Me”, would it be wise to pay attention enough to correctly understand the doctrine of Christ? When He says,”You must repent and be baptized in My name and become as a little child, or under no circumstances can you inherit God’s kingdom”, do we take His words seriously? What is God’s promise to those who believe in Him and are baptized?  Will they be saved and inherit God’s kingdom? What is the consequence of those who do not believe in Him and are not baptized as He has instructed? How do we become His sheep? What is required to be considered His people? How can one be received into the congregation and be received by God? How does a person come forward and have a place eternally at His right hand? What is required? Is knowing Him a requirement to be found at His right hand? What are the differences between knowing Him, having faith in Him, believing Him, knowing something about Him, and not knowing Him? 

When the second trumpet sounds, what will be the reward of those who never knew God? On the last day, how welcome and comfortable will be those who refuse to hear God’s voice? In what timeframe does this happen? What is meant by, “... I warn you not to delay your repentance until the end of your life. Because we’ve been provided our lifetime to let us prepare for eternity. If we squander that time, we pass into the dark night where no further work can be done …”?  (Alma 16:37 CE)

Baptism is a sign of repentance and shows evidence of faith in His name. (Alma 5:4 CE, Moroni 8:3 CE) Who is Christ coming to redeem? “... He is coming to redeem those who are baptized as a sign of repentance through faith in His name …” (Alma 7:6 CE) What are the consequences of those who are not baptized? Are all baptisms offered valid and acceptable to God? Why or why not? What is the importance of the Lord giving authority and power to baptize? What are God’s directions regarding baptism today in 2025? T&C 175:7-15, 27-32, contains instructions from the Lord regarding both the ordinance of baptism and required authority and power to baptize. This includes the three requirements that must be met by the one performing a baptism approved by God. Anyone who has the power to baptize, gets it from Christ. The words in the baptismal prayers, “Having authority given me of Jesus Christ” or “Having authority given to me by Jesus Christ”, confirm this fact.

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