
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Truth - The Cost of Avoiding It

Running from the truth has significant consequences. It leads to the perpetuation of falsehoods, the erosion of trust in institutions, and the spread of misinformation. On a personal level, it prevents growth, understanding, and the ability to make informed decisions. The truth, no matter how uncomfortable, is essential for progress — both individually and collectively.

For those who seek the truth, it’s important to understand why others may avoid it. This understanding can help us find more effective ways to communicate and present the truth, thus breaking down the barriers of denial, cognitive dissonance, and fear. The truth may be difficult to accept, but it’s the foundation upon which a better future can be built.

In the end, the truth isn’t something to be feared or avoided. It’s a light that illuminates the path forward, guiding us toward a more honest, informed, and just world. But for that light to shine, we must first stop running away and face the truth head-on. 

Not only is it important to seek and find the truth, but to speak, live and communicate the truth. Lies hate being questioned and exposed. Truth doesn’t mind it at all. Those who operate in deceit and are hoping to be protected by lies don’t fare as well as those operating on truth, which remains, stands on its own, and requires no additional protection.

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