A witness from God can be relied upon. As you read our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, we invite you to obtain a witness for yourself. If something we say or imply does not ring true, then you should feel no obligation to accept it. Life is an individual and unique journey with God. Although we can help and encourage each other, we need to be careful not to come between God and another person.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Truth - Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out and favor information that supports existing beliefs while ignoring or discounting information that contradicts them. Generally, people simply do not hear the truth they are not yet ready to consider. They choose not to critically think about the inconsistencies and discrepancies. This may be the reason truths are carefully bypassed.  Unwanted truths enter one ear and go out the other. When the truth doesn’t fit into someone’s established belief system, confirmation bias kicks in, leading them to reject truth in favor of more palatable lies. This tendency can lead to poor decisions and inaccurate conclusions.

“Encouraging and allowing people to tell us only what we want to hear is something we all do. It's classic confirmation bias". 

"Confirmation bias is twisting the facts to fit our beliefs. Critical thinking is bending our beliefs to fit the facts". 

“If the facts speak anything contrary to my view, the facts must be altered.”

"Confirmation bias is one of the most effective ways to go on living a lie".

Confirmation bias (finding information that confirms our preexisting beliefs) is reinforced by the way modern media is consumed. Algorithms on social media platforms and search engines (filters) are designed to show users content that aligns with their interests and beliefs, creating a feedback loop that reinforces our existing views. As a result, we become increasingly insulated from the truth, only encountering information that supports our preconceptions. The problem with filters is you only see what you like, not what you don’t. Basically, filters impede perspective.

It seems quite obvious, confirmation bias is not helpful in making informed decisions and achieving personal growth. Since confirmation bias is not worth keeping, how do we dismiss it? What are some methods that will help us stop practicing confirmation bias in our lives?

Here are 10 strategies that can help us keep an open mind and avoid confirmation bias:

  1. Acknowledge your biases: The first step in avoiding confirmation bias is acknowledging it exists. Recognize your own biases and try to understand how they influence your thinking.

  2. Seek out diverse perspectives and opposing viewpoints: Surround yourself with people who have different viewpoints and engage in open-minded discussions. This can help you gain a broader perspective and expose you to different ideas.

  3. Consider the source: Be mindful of the source of the information you are receiving. Are they biased in any way? Do they have a vested interest in the outcome? By considering the source, you can be more discerning about the information you receive.

  4. Consider the opposite: When making a decision or forming an opinion, intentionally consider the opposite viewpoint. This can help you identify weaknesses in your own argument and strengthen your position.

  5. Question assumptions: Don’t take things at face value. Question your assumptions and seek out evidence that supports or challenges them.

  6. Do your research and use data: When making a decision, gather as much information as possible from a variety of sources. Rely on data and objective information rather than just your own opinions or beliefs. This can help you make more well-informed decisions and avoid confirmation bias. Be aware of your sources and try to get information from different perspectives.

  7. Avoid echo chambers: Avoid surrounding yourself with people who only agree with you. Seek out dissenting opinions and be open to changing your mind; this is very important in the social media-obsessed world we live in.

  8. Be aware of emotional biases: Emotions can cloud judgment and influence decision-making. Be aware of your emotional state and how it may be impacting your thinking. If you find yourself getting emotionally attached to a particular opinion or perspective, take a break from the situation. This can help you come back with a fresh perspective and be more open-minded.

  9. Check yourself: Take a step back and observe your thoughts and reactions without judgment. This can help you recognize when you are being influenced by confirmation bias.

  10. Challenge yourself: Step outside of your comfort zone and expose yourself to new experiences and ideas. This can help broaden your perspective and challenge your assumptions.

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