Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of
God with a special mission and message to the world. As the
dispensation head with authority directly given from God, Joseph
Smith started the great restoration and sought for Zion, but as
history manifests, not only did the restoration not get finished but
apostasy ensued.
From the day Joseph Smith and his
brother Hyrum were killed as a result of rejection of truth and the
influence of his own people, even the believers began to neglect his
teachings, forget the truths he restored, and began to lose light and
memory of what God had previously revealed and restored through
Joseph. Losing light, forgetting fundamentals, ignoring and changing
ordinances, corrupting doctrine, and even re-creating and
manipulating major parts of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus
Christ revealed through Joseph Smith has enlarged in error,
accelerated in misunderstanding and confusion, and currently the
preservation of the restoration is in serious jeopardy. With courage,
we must face the challenges before us today by finding the truth
despite deliberate efforts to hide history and alter the record. Once
sufficient truth is found and the unfolding restoration is embraced,
repentance is obviously required and turning and facing God and
following His path is paramount.
Christ on the day of His resurrection
said: “O Fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets
have spoken.” Our challenge today is exactly that. It is the same
situation that believers have faced each time a servant of God has
appeared with a message and whenever God speaks through His chosen
messengers. I believe it to be wise to give strict heed to the
restoration that came through Joseph and the work of the Lord that is
currently underway.
Here are a few words attributed to
The best way to
obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask it from books, but to go to God
in prayer, and obtain divine teaching. (TPJS, 191)
It is the
privilege of every Elder to speak of the things of God; and could we
all come together with one heart and one mind in perfect faith the
veil might as well be rent today as next week, or any other time, and
if we will but cleanse ourselves and covenant before God, to serve
Him, it is our privilege to have an assurance that God will protect
us at all times … Until we have perfect love we are liable to fall
and when we have a testimony that our names are sealed in the Lamb's
book of life we have perfect love and then it is impossible for false
Christs to deceive us. (TPJS, 9)
In the beginning,
the head of the Gods called a council of the Gods; and they came
together and concocted a plan to create the world and people it. When
we begin to learn this way, we begin to learn the only true God, and
what kind of a being we have got to worship. Having a knowledge of
God, we begin to know how to approach him, and how to ask so as to
receive an answer. When we understand the character of God, and how
to come to him, he begins to unfold the heavens to us, and to tell us
all about it. When we are ready to come to him, he is ready to come
to us. (TPJS, 350)
When the Lord has
thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve
Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his
election made sure, then it will be his privilege to receive the
other Comforter, which the Lord hath promised the Saints, as is
recorded in the testimony of St. John, in the 14th chapter, from the
12th to the 27th verses … Now what is this other Comforter? It is
no more nor less than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself; and this is the
sum and substance of the whole matter; that when any man obtains this
last Comforter, he will have the personage of Jesus Christ to attend
him, or appear unto him from time to time, and even He will manifest
the Father unto him, and they will take up their abode with him, and
the visions of the heavens will be opened unto him, and the Lord will
teach him face to face, and he may have a perfect knowledge of the
mysteries of the Kingdom of God; and this is the state and place the
ancient Saints arrived at when they had such glorious
visions--Isaiah, Ezekiel, John upon the Isle of Patmos, St. Paul in
the three heavens, and all the Saints who held communion with the
general assembly and Church of the Firstborn. (TPJS 150-151)
Whenever men can
find out the will of God and find an administrator legally authorized
from God, there is the kingdom of God; but where these are not, the
kingdom of God is not. All the ordinances, systems, and
administrations on the earth are of no use to the children of men,
unless they are ordained and authorized of God; for nothing will save
a man but a legal administrator; for none others will be acknowledged
either by God or angels. (HC, 5:259)
Here is a message by another witness of God:
“Although Joseph Smith revealed
many, previously unknown things, his ministry was devoted primarily
to bringing others into fellowship with God. The ordinances,
scriptures, revelations, and teachings restored through him were not
intended to titillate, but to instruct on how to reconnect with God.
From his emphasis
on the promise in James 1:5 (“if any of you lack wisdom, let him
ask of God …and it shall be given him”) leading to the First
Vision, to the promise of Moroni 10:4 (“I would exhort you that ye
would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these
things are not true; and … he will manifest the truth of it unto
you”), to D&C 93:1 (“It shall come to pass that every
soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my
name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my
face and know that I am”), and in numerous other places throughout
his ministry, Joseph reiterated both the possibility and importance
of each soul coming directly to God.
This is the role
of a true messenger. It is to bring others into harmony with God. Not
to titillate them with new information, leaving them without
knowledge of God. When someone delivers a new message that does not
include knowledge about how the audience may come to God themselves,
then the primary intent is always to make others dependent on the
messenger. It is vanity. It is prideful. It is to call attention to
themselves in an effort to place themselves above their fellow man,
and interject themselves between the person and God. It is
The “welfare of
Zion” consists of teaching others how to come to God themselves,
and receive the heavenly promises directly from God. (See 2 Nephi
26:29) Zion will be composed exclusively of those who can
endure the presence of God. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone
to come up to the heavenly mount by their own repentance and
remembrance of the Lord.
It is foolishness
to separate information about the Lord’s doings from instruction on
how to become redeemed. It is vanity to spread new, and personal
revelation about the afterlife, God, man, prophecy, visionary
encounters, and spiritual experiences if the primary reason does not
focus on instructing how the audience can come to God themselves. It
is also dangerous to trust teachings which fail to give you guidance
on how you can find God for yourself. If all that is delivered is a
message about some great experience, the experience was not intended
for you. It isn’t important. It is the way to find God that will
save you. Not someone else’s new, and exciting spiritual
I’ve shared
almost nothing of the things I have learned. But I’ve tried to
share everything about how you can “come and see” (John 1:46).
Still, however, there are very few who can detect the difference.
Still there remain those who are tossed to and fro by the sleight of
men. (Ephesians 4: 14)
Here’s how
things really work: New revelation for the church comes from
the top. It is not binding upon anyone unless it comes through the
correct channel, and then is sustained as binding upon the church.
Whether you like that system or not, that is the system. HOWEVER,
every church member is obligated to teach one another the doctrines
of the kingdom.
exhorting, teaching, and instructing is a common obligation imposed
upon us all. Therefore, everything I have written, all I have taught,
and the things I have testified about are confined to elaborating
upon the established doctrines of the church, the revelations in the
Book of Mormon, the other standard works, and Joseph Smith’s
teachings. I’ve said almost nothing about my personal revelations
because they were intended for me. They will not help you. They equip
me to be able to preach, teach, exhort and expound, but just
publishing what I know to the world will not aid any other person in
their individual journey.
Salvation for you
is a journey exactly like the journey undertaken by Joseph Smith.
Which is also identical to the journey undertaken by Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob. Which was modeled upon the pattern coming down through
Noah. Who was a contemporary with Enoch, both of whom undertook the
same journey. Which originated with Adam, who came back into God’s
presence three years previous to his death, and received “comfort”
from the Lord (D&C 107:53-55). The Lord is the promised
Comforter who will come to all of us on the same conditions (John
14:23, D&C 130:3). I was asked, and wrote a manual on that
process in the first book, The Second Comforter: Conversing With the
Lord Through the Veil

The purpose of the book has nothing to do with my own recognition or
importance. Throughout the book my many failings are discussed. The
book is about the reader, and how the reader can come to know God.
Still people will
go to great trouble, and spare no effort to find someone who will
only give a titillating peek behind the veil, but who will do nothing
to instruct you on how you can meet God here, be redeemed from the
fall of man, and come back into God’s presence. This is the purpose
of the Gospel, and the definition of redemption. (Ether 3:13) Telling
about personal experience cannot help another. Testifying to the
process, however, is the burden of all true teaching.
I am a fool, and
anyone who thinks otherwise is misled. My only relevance is the
common obligation imposed upon us all to preach, teach, exhort and
expound. I confine all I do to that obligation. The only thing I can
offer anyone is to point them to the One who is filled with truth and
light, which is intelligence. (D&C 93:36) And still
there are those who cannot discern between what and how I teach, and
how others who are practicing only priestcraft do so. I am saddened,
not particularly surprised, but saddened. These are the times we live
in. (Isaiah 29:9-10.)
What more could
have been done than the Lord has already done? Is it not us,
not He, upon whom the blame must be lain?
The Latter-day
famine continues unabated still. Not because there isn’t something
worth consuming, but because we crave only the weakest of gruel,
which cannot sustain life. Therefore, let us all feast away and still
become famished until at last we perish without hope, having wasted
the days of our probation. We didn’t care much for Joseph’s
message in his day, and we fail to even notice it in ours."
(Joseph The Prophet)