“I have a real problem, as I hope
many of you likewise have a real problem, with the concept that some
man or men can vouch for something and say, “Trust me, it’s gonna
be GOOD for you to go ahead and take the pill we’re asking you to
swallow.” The view that replaces that is the view no one of us is
greater than another. No one has the right to dictate. No one has the
right to tell you, “trust me.” Instead, everything is being made
available in advance for everyone to view so that no one need stand,
as was done in the ceremony on the 17th of August when the Doctrine
and Covenants was first sustained, when the audience only heard
second-hand people telling them, this is a good thing, go ahead and
adopt it, without ever having had the opportunity to review it. We
ask no such thing. And none of us should expect to be treated that
way. We’re all equal, we’re all accountable, and we all should be
shown the respect of being allowed the opportunity to review, and
that review critically and to comment and to make suggestions, and to
advance criticisms and to deliberate, so that when the end of this is
reached and people raise their hand to accept it as the basis for
governing a body of believers, a body of equal believers, a body of
believers who respect one another, they do so knowingly and they do
so with the full light of understanding and not trusting some group
to tell them, “Trust us — we’re not going to let you read it,
but we’re telling you — it’s good stuff.” You’re going to
be able to read, to pray, to examine, to criticize, and to determine
that for yourself.:” (Denver Snuffer, Things to Keep Us Awake,
General Conference, St George UT, March 19, 2017, page 4)
This sounds wonderful! I have had two
years to review a proposed scripture project. What is the procedure
if I find some of it unacceptable? If I am asked to vote, are there
other options besides yes and no? What happens if I vote no? What if
I don't want to swallow their pill? Is it necessary to go along to
get along? Was it assumed from the beginning that I would accept what
they produced?
Another question . . . Who gave this
committee power to work in behalf of some group who will be voting?
Did a group ask them to work in their behalf? Did they sustain them
to do the work? Was this a personal project of a group of friends?
When did their personal project turn into “the one and only group
project”? Who put this group together? Who gave them authority? Are
other projects being encouraged and considered? Why or why not?
I love this definition
for mutual agreement . . . Answer given to Denver Snuffer Jr., 29
November 2017, in response to a request to understand how the Lord
defines “mutual agreement” as used in the Answer To Prayer For
Covenant. As between one another, you choose to not dispute.
(Teaching and Commandments Section 174:1)
Clear and simple . . . do not dispute.
But our modern dictionaries do not give
us a similar definition of these words.
Agreement: harmony of opinion, action, or character. The act or fact of agreeing
Mutual: directed by each toward the other or the others, having the same
feelings one for the other, shared in common, joint
Is it important to reach mutual
agreement according to the English dictionaries? Is it okay to do our
own thing and have our own opinion as long as we do not dispute? What
if this is one of the principles Zion is based upon? Would people
live in peace and harmony if they did not dispute but were
independent and unique in the way they viewed and did things? What if
this scripture project venture is an experiment to teach us that we
do not need to agree or accept the same thing to have mutual
I think it is a great idea for a group
of friends to work together to preserve scripture. I have a real
problem with this project becoming my project without my consent.
This is not my project, and it never has been. When I first heard
about their project, I thought they invited me to work with them, but
my efforts to participate with them have not worked too well.
According to their section 174, I can let
them do whatever they want, and I can do whatever I want, and we can
have mutual agreement as long as we do not dispute. That sounds
wonderful! So why is there still an effort to “mutually agree”
according to Webster's dictionaries? Why don't we use the “Do Not
Dispute” definition and move forward? Why do our scriptures have to
look the same?
When they complete their work, I'm
wondering if they are going to ask some group to vote for their
version of scriptures in some meeting or online forum? Are there
going to be any other versions on the voting ballot? If so, where are
the other versions? Is there any other group doing such a work? What
are the guidelines for their voting procedure? Is a vote even
necessary? I'm curious about their process :)