A witness from God can be relied upon. As you read our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, we invite you to obtain a witness for yourself. If something we say or imply does not ring true, then you should feel no obligation to accept it. Life is an individual and unique journey with God. Although we can help and encourage each other, we need to be careful not to come between God and another person.


Showing posts with label anger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anger. Show all posts

Saturday, February 10, 2024

A Nefarious Demon aka Paco

Last year, we watched Nefarious as a family. It was a great way to teach our teenagers and young adults what they are up against [parental discretion advised].

We are surrounded by demons and devils that seek to destroy us. Much of what Jesus did and does is to cast out devils. 

Naming the Devil

Several years ago, my niece and I were talking about the devil and how he takes himself way too seriously. Good natured humor is good medicine. Learning to laugh at ourselves can be very healing.  

Names are important in giving power, and so we decided to give the devil a new name. We had fun naming this humorless fellow. . . We ended up naming him Paco. He hates the name. I think he was listening to our fun and play because I soon heard in my mind, “My name is NOT PACO!!! It's SATAN!!!” 

I responded, “Okay Paco;)” 

I had the distinct impression Paco was disgusted with us. But he doesn’t have a choice about that, does he? Ya know, come to think of it, I don’t like what he does either. He doesn’t seem too eager to benefit and bless me, so why should I be eager to respond favorably to his demands and complaints? 

Conversations with Paco

Yes, I have conversations with Paco. Not because I particularly like those conversations, but because he just shows up and starts yapping. 

What is the point to all this chaos and commotion? I don’t know. Nothing intelligent ever comes out of Paco’s screaming, yelling, and criticizing. It is just a bunch of noise. 

In contrast, when the Lord calls me to repentance, His chastisement is always intelligent. I know exactly what I did wrong, and what I need to do differently. It makes sense. I think about the Brother of Jared being chastised by the Lord for three hours. He knew exactly what he needed to change and immediately got to work. The Lord corrects and redirects. His message is informative and enlightening even when it cuts me to the center. 

So when I hear noise noise noise . . . name calling, screaming, yelling, fear mongering, scolding, temper tantrums . . . I turn to that voice and say, “Do you have anything intelligent to say? Or are you just going to yap and yell and throw a fit?” When Paco stutters and stammers, I nod my head and say, “That’s what I thought. Nothing intelligent, so be on your way!” 

I’m really not interested in giving heed to the rebukes of Paco. He doesn’t have my best interest in mind. 

Anger, a TellTale Sign

When I find myself angry, triggered, and in turmoil, I see it as a sign that I must repent of something even if I don’t know what it is. When I ask Jesus to show me my error, I have 100% confidence He will reveal my sin in a way I can understand. He doesn't want me to mourn, but wants me to understand my error, so I can repent. 

Those who become angry at the truth have “the spirit of the devil” in them. That is, they are under the devil’s influence and are deceived. Nephi understood this principle because of his older brothers’ reactions (see 1 Nephi 5:1). When someone becomes angry at the truth, they are in darkness. Christ gave this as one of the signs of the deceived. They argue against the truth and become angry (see 3 Nephi 5:8). Those who are Christ’s, however, join with Nephi in glorying in plainness, even if it cuts or requires repentance. They appreciate the plain direction which allows them to follow in the true path. They appreciate truth, even when it condemns their acts and requires them to change. They glory in Christ, preferring Him over unbelief, traditions of men, or the arm of flesh. Anger - Glossary of Terms

Repentance sets me free.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Danger of Anger

In the English language, danger and anger are only differentiated by one letter. Why is anger so dangerous?


We loose our power when we succumb to anger and fear.

There are two types of power. One is an everlasting power, the power by which God operates.
    No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile— Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy; D&C 121:41-43

The other is a temporary, worldly power illustrated in the following definition:

Power: the ability or right to control people or things, political control of a country or area, a person or organization that has a lot of control and influence over other people or organizations Mirriam Webster 

When we choose to obey to the laws of God and obtain his power, “[our] dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto [us] forever and ever.” D&C 121:46

Those who choose to exercise unrighteous dominion or temporary power over the souls of others, will find their life riddled with insecurity, turmoil, and fear.

How is anger used as a tool of control?

The Book of Mormon teaches us how corrupt leaders use anger to control their people and promote their purposes. People who would normally be at peace one with one another allow themselves to be stirred up to anger by evil and conspiring men. These men are not concerned about their people; they seek for worldly power.
    3 Therefore he had accomplished his design, for he had hardened the hearts of the Lamanites and blinded their minds, and stirred them unto anger, insomuch that he had gathered together a numerous host to go to battle against the Nephites.

We are taught how anger is used as a tool of the devil.
    19 For the kingdom of the devil must shake, and they which belong to it must needs be stirred up unto repentance, or the devil will grasp them with his everlasting chains, and they be stirred up to anger, and perish;
    20 For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good. 2 Nephi 28:19-20

When we feel ourselves stirred up to anger, we can know it is not of God.
    Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away. 3 Nephi 11:30

Warning: The following video is full of violence and anger. You will notice that violence and anger come from both sides. No one can claim to be innocent in the riots that ensue. Those who participate in the fighting bring bondage and destruction upon themselves.

    I have sworn in my wrath, and decreed wars upon the face of the earth, and the wicked shall slay the wicked, and fear shall come upon every man; D&C 63:33 

    But, behold, the judgments of God will overtake the wicked; and it is by the wicked that the wicked are punished; for it is the wicked that stir up the hearts of the children of men unto bloodshed. Mormon 4:5

Who is in control?

While we all like to believe we have the fortitude to stand by our own convictions during any situation, most of us tend to follow the behaviors of others. But what’s particularly strange is that when enough of us get together, we end up doing some really bizarre, nonsensical, and downright violent things that we’d never consider on our own. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as herd or mob mentality, and when you consider the past and present, you realize it’s led to some major “What were they thinking?!” moments.” Top 10 Instances Of Mob Mentality 

Why I don't watch the news

I don't believe pretending all is well when it is not, but watching the news promoted by the mainstream media doesn't help solve the problems. The news is almost entirely fear based.
I find it interesting that the fearful are ranked right in with the liars, whoremongers, and sorcerers.
    Wherefore, I, the Lord, have said that the fearful, and the unbelieving, and all liars, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie, and the whoremonger, and the sorcerer, shall have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. D&C 63:17
Here are the headlines of Fox News October 26, 2013, 10:16 a.m. Are they fear based or faith promoting?

Latest News
How can we more easily be controlled when we are fed a daily diet of fearsome events? Why would someone want to promote anger and fear? How are these tools used against us?  What can we do?