A witness from God can be relied upon. As you read our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, we invite you to obtain a witness for yourself. If something we say or imply does not ring true, then you should feel no obligation to accept it. Life is an individual and unique journey with God. Although we can help and encourage each other, we need to be careful not to come between God and another person.


Showing posts with label darkness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label darkness. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

An Imperious Duty

I’ve been reading T&C 139 and read the words imperious duty. What does this mean?

IMPE'RIOUS - 1828 dictionary

1. Commanding; dictatorial; haughty; arrogant; overbearing;

domineering; as an imperious tyrant; an imperious dictator;

an imperious man; an imperious temper.

2. Commanding; indicating an imperious temper;

authoritative; as imperious words.

3. Powerful; overbearing; not to be opposed by obstacles;

as a man of a vast and imperious mind.

4. Commanding; urgent; pressing; as imperious love;

imperious circumstances; imperious appetite.

5. Authoritative; commanding with rightful authority.

The commandment high and imperious in its claims.

Joseph uses the phrase “imperious duty” three times in verses 14-15. I don’t find that phrase anywhere else in scripture. There is an imperious duty we owe to God, angels, our families, widows, the rising generation, and the pure in heart. What duty is so crucial as to be an imperious duty?

. . . we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness wherein we know them and they are truly manifest from Heaven . . . Your humble servant, or servants, intend from henceforth to disapprove of everything that is not in accordance with the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and is not of a bold, and frank, and an upright nature. They will not hold their peace, as in times past, when they see iniquity beginning to rear its head, for fear of traitors, or the consequences that shall follow by reproving those who creep in unawares that they may get something to destroy the flock. We believe that the experience of the saints in times past has been sufficient that they will from henceforth be always ready to obey the truth . .

Joseph and Hyrum Were Murdered by Traitors

Bring it all into the light to be examined. Reprove those who work in the dark. We will not hold our peace when the works of darkness creep in among us. The early church members did not do their imperious duty, and Joseph and Hyrum were murdered by traitors. Our imperious duty is to waste and wear out our lives bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness wherein we know them and they are truly manifest from Heaven. Has our experience been sufficient that we are always ready to obey the truth and invite the light to shine upon all we do? 

We need the protection that comes from being clothed with light for a covering. Seven years ago, my friend Leticia shared intelligence and insight that changed my life. For the last seven years, I have seen the necessity of integrating these principles into my life.

“There are only 2 Economies that function on this earth, in a spiritual sense. One is of light and one is of darkness. Only one or the other can regulate and manage the resources of your spiritual and thus physical life. . . Both have great power that can affect your everyday life. These two spiritual economies are responsible for the flow of your life, and how it is coordinated. 

. . .your choices determine which energy will flow from your life. By your choices it gives one or the other power to coordinate your life and show you these “signs”. That economy then has the power to govern over the course of your life. This is important to know because whatever you touch, the projects you are involved in or things you are trying to accomplish, will be affected by whichever economy is governing over your life.

Here are some things that you can check to see if you are violating [these things] and the explanations. Violation of these things would give the Economy of Darkness power over your life. Doing the opposite gives the Economy of Light power. . .”

In Leticia’s blog post, The 2 Economies That Function on this Earth, she explains these 5 violations

I continue to think about the power of records. What does this have to do with transparency and bringing everything into the light? After Joseph Smith and the early church members had endured many sufferings and abuses, the action against the injustices was to first gather up all the facts, sufferings, and abuses . . . 

And again, we would suggest for your consideration the propriety of all the saints gathering up a knowledge of all the facts, and sufferings, and abuses put upon them . . .  and also the names of all persons that have had a hand in their oppressions, as far as they can get hold of them and find them out. And perhaps a committee can be appointed to find out these things . . .  that we may not only publish to all the world, but present them to the heads of the government, in all their dark and hellish hue, as the last effort which is enjoined on us by our Heavenly Father before we can fully and completely claim that promise which shall call him forth from his hiding place, and also that the whole nation may be left without excuse before he can send forth the power of his mighty arm . . . And also it is an imperious duty that we owe to all the rising generation and to all the pure in heart . . . therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness wherein we know them and they are truly manifest from Heaven.These should then be attended to with great earnestness. Let no man count them as small things, for there is much which lies in futurity, pertaining to the saint, which depends upon these things. You know, brethren, that a very large ship is benefited very much by a very small helm, in the time of a storm, by being kept workways with the wind and the waves. Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power, and then may we stand still with the utmost assurance to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed . . . 

Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power. Presenting a faithful transparent record, in a way that is appropriate for the situation, seems to be required before we can claim the Lord’s promised help.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Why Do You Follow God?

Over the past month, I've asked many friends,”Why do you follow God?” This question brings up some of the best conversations.

Even when friends say, “I don't follow God and think the rest of you are crazy for following some fictitious character!” This still leads to interesting conversation.

Everyone has a different way of expressing their answer, but I found a common element among most. They follow God because it brings them happiness, joy, and fulfillment. They feel free and at peace when they follow God.

As I was coming out of the traditions of my fathers, I gave a lot of thought to how I had been deceived. I didn't want to make the same mistake.

I kept hearing the words, “Jennifer, follow your joy!” These wise words have been a compass to me over the last several years. I follow God because of the incredible joy I feel. If life never got better than it is today, I have not been cheated of living in heaven. Yet, every day life expands, becomes more adventurous, and is a delicious experience.

People talk of a god who condemns, accuses, judges, and has a scowl of his face for me and my weakness. I am not too interested in living with that kind of god. He can take his angels and others who think like him and go live in their own place. I want nothing of it. It would be hell for me to live with a god like that.

Lest you misunderstand, there is a great difference that I experience when living a dark life of drudgery and despair which is riddled with false perceptions, and the fear that is manifest when seeing my darkness brought into the light.

My God works with me by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned, by kindness, and pure knowledge. He does reprove and correct me. He shows me exactly where I've strayed and how to get back on course. When the course correction is made, there are no lingering guilt or unworthiness issues hanging over my head.

I used to berate myself over my mistakes, and this wasn't good for my progress. Jesus helped me with my false perceptions about my tripping and failings. Now, when I make “mistakes”.  Jesus asks, “Did you learn something?”

“Yes, I did. I learned this and this and this . . .” I find Jesus continually making lemonade out of all the lemons in my life. Stumbling and falling has lost its judgment; it is just part of my journey.

I also see Jesus as a rearing stallion. Only the bravest and most courageous dare ride Him. I have fallen many times, been bucked off, and sometimes drag along with one foot in the stirrup as my head bounces along the dirt path. I've also been covered with dirt and mud with my hair in a ratted mess. My God who treats me with such tender love also says, “If you get bucked off, get back on! I'm not slowing down so as to be transformed into a gentle mare! :-) Learn to ride and I'll give you the ride of your life! ;-)”

I've heard of another god. This god also requires those who worship him to sacrifice everything for him, but it is for a very different reason.

While I was living Haiti, I learned something about the Haitian culture. Christianity is a small minority there, and the majority of the people, when asked their religion, identify as voodoo. They explained to me that there are two gods. One is the Good God and one is the mean god. I asked why they worship the mean god. I found that they do so out of fear. If they don't worship the mean god, he makes their life more miserable than it already is. Obedience is required by both the Good God and mean god, but one is obeyed out of love and the other out of fear.

The God of Light and the god of darkness work under opposite governments. I recently learned a great lesson from a close friend. Actions performed under the government of Light have totally different results than those same actions performed under the government of darkness.

God of Light – Honoring Agency
god of darkness – violating agency

God of Light – Charity & Love
god of darkness – unrighteous dominion

God of Light – Being as a Little Child
god of darkness – deception

God of Light – Working in the Light – Transparency
god of darkness – doing things in secret

God of Light – Working in God's Divine Timing - Thy Will be Done
god of darkness – asking amiss, impatience, hastening the work

Example: I offer my friend a drink of water. She says “No thank you”. I offer again. She declines. I offer again, and she accepts. I just violated her agency. I wouldn't take no for an answer. I operated in the dark even though I was offering her a “good thing”.

Example: I want to get baptized and take the sacrament, but I know my husband won't approve, so I don't tell him. Baptism and taking the sacrament are good things, right? But I just did something in secret. Because we are married, I have an obligation to tell him. If God tells me to get baptized and take the sacrament, I should tell my husband and let the consequences follow. Then God can bless my path.

Example: Many times people tell “white lies” because they don't want to hurt someone's feelings. It's not good to hurt others feelings, right? No, because it is deception and is done under the government of darkness.

Example: The loss of the 116 pages was a violation of agency..

Example: Eve partook of the fruit in the Garden of Eden out of God's divine timing.

The September 2017 Covenant

There has been much conversation on this topic. If I take the covenant under the government of darkness, it will turn to my condemnation. If I take the covenant under the government of light, it will be a blessing in my life. Each person needs to make this decision for herself. For example: If I have anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and worry about what is being offered, STOP and DO NOT make the covenant. On the other hand, if I feel at peace, look forward to the offering, and am getting answers from God about my concerns, then by all means go forward with confidence and make the covenant. The confusion comes when we look at the action and not the government under which the action is performed. What is right for me may or may not be right for you. People are saying the covenant is good and others are saying it is bad. They are both right. Work under the government of God and all things will turn to your blessing. Work under the government of darkness, and you will be cursed. Baptism, sacrament, and covenants can be administered under each government. One can be doing it in darkness while the person sitting next to him can be doing it in the light. Your heart can discern the difference and what is right for you.