And all things
shall be done by common consent in the church, by much prayer and
faith, for all things ye shall receive by faith.” D&C 111:2
shall anything be appointed unto any of this church contrary to the
church covenants, for all things must be done in order and by common
consent in the church by the prayer of faith.” D&C 60:12
What does it mean to
do all things by common consent? How does a group of people come to
a unity of opinion? What does it mean to think with one another? Why
does this require much prayer and faith?
Belonging equally to more than one.
Accord of minds; agreement; unity of opinion. Literally, to think
with another. Hence, to agree or accord.
How is common consent different than
democratic rule? When the majority wins, is this common
consent? Does voting have a place as common consent is being achieved?
Vote: That
by which will or preference is expressed in elections or in deciding
propositions; a ballot; a ticket, etc.; as a written vote; Expression
of will be a majority;
How can God's people do all things by
common consent? Can we have common consent without being one? This
oneness with the Lord is not only for those who have received the Lord's presence
but for those also who believe on Jesus through their words.
He [Jesus] had
said, in another part of his prayer, that he desired of his Father,
that those who believed on him should be one in him, as he, and the
Father were one in each other: Neither pray I for these (the
apostles) alone, but for them also who shall believe on me through
their words; that they all may be one: that is, they who believe on
him through the apostles' words, as well as the apostles themselves:
that they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee:
that they also may be one in us. Lecture on Faith 7:40
If one soul has the same mind with the
Father and thousands do not, who has the ability to bring about
common consent? How does possessing the same mind with the Father and the Son,
make common consent in all things possible? If we each seek to
become one with the Father and the Son, will we be one with each
And he being the
only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, and having
overcome, received a fullness of the glory of the Father- possessing
the same mind with the Father, which mind is the Holy Spirit, that
bears record of the Father and the Son, and these three are one, or
in other words, these three constitute the great, matchless,
governing and supreme power over all things: by whom all things were
created and made, that were created and made: and these three
constitute the Godhead, and are one: The Father and the Son
possessing the same mind, the same wisdom, glory, power and fullness:
Filling all in all- the Son being filled with the fullness of the
Mind, glory and power, or, in other words, the Spirit, glory and
power of the Father-possessing all knowledge and glory, and the same
kingdom: sitting at the right hand of power, in the express image and
likeness of the Father- a Mediator for man- being filled with the
fullness of the Mind of the Father, or, in other words, the Spirit of
the Father: which Spirit is shed forth upon all who believe on his
name and keep his commandments: and all those who keep his
commandments shall grow up from grace to grace, and become heirs of
the heavenly kingdom, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ; possessing
the same mind, being transformed into the same image or likeness,
even the express image of him who fills all in all: being filled with
the fullness of his glory, and become one in him, even as the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit are one. Lectures on Faith 5:7
Why must the people of Zion be of
one heart and one mind?
And the Lord called his people, Zion, because they were of one
heart and of one mind, and dwelt in righteousness, and there were no
poor among them.
Zion began by one
man rising up to teach the people the truth. They were gathered by
common consent because they found the word to be expanding,
enlightening, and delicious. The people received teachings full of light and knowledge
at the hand of Enoch as he taught them how to commune with and follow
God. This is how common consent is achieved.
This process takes time, labor,
patience, and knowledge. To achieve common consent, I must be
willing to consider my brother and sister and listen to what they
have to say? When I work with others, these are the tools I have to
work with . . .
No power or
influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the Priesthood,
only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness,
and by love unfeigned, by kindness, by pure knowledge which shall
greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy and without guile,
reproving betimes with sharpness when moved upon by the Holy Ghost
and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom
thou hast reproved lest he esteem thee to be his enemy, that he may
know that thy faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death; thy
bowels also being full of charity towards all men and to the
household of faith, and virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly. D&C 47:141
Fellowship is essential in this
process of achieving Zion.
In Utah, we live in a culture where passive-aggressive
behavior is abnormally high.
Michael Stevens,
chairman of Weber State University’s department of business
administration, has taught courses in organizational behavior and
group psychology for 25 years. After coming to Utah in 2008, he saw
his students score almost twice as high for having passive-aggressive
conflict-resolution styles as his students in other regions.
Neither of these behaviors will work in
Zion. We must use our time to teach one another and work together.
To build a city which Jesus will claim as His own takes
communication, humility, revelation, knowledge, organization, labor,
cooperation, forgiveness, charity, and love. It's easier to go off on our own, do
our own thing, and forget about the welfare of believers in Christ and others who are in need. But we can choose another way. If you have knowledge to impart then do what
you can to lift and serve. If you lack wisdom, be teachable and
willing to see a better way. We will all find ourselves in both
situations. This blesses us both as a giver and a receiver.
We live in a society where texts,
social media, and forums have replaced the human element in our
communications. It is good to meet face to face where we can feel
each others' hearts.
And now come,
saith the Lord by the Spirit unto the elders of his church, and let
us reason together that ye may understand; let us reason even as a
man reasoneth one with another, face to face. D&C 16:10
It is a greater challenge to come to a
oneness with God as a group than it is to come to God as an
individual. Zion is supportive and synergistic. People have continued to come into
God's presence throughout the course of history, but only the people
of Enoch and Melchizedek have achieved Zion. This effort requires
all who have desires to be part of Zion to not only rise up and come to their Lord but to
labor for the welfare of others through their fellowship. Much prayer
and faith is required as we reach out to lift and serve each other.
Zion is the result of common consent. Who cannot see that the Lord called His people Zion because they were of one heart and one mind?
Sanctify them
through your truth. Your words are truth. As you have sent me into
the world, likewise I am sending them into the world. And for their
sakes I sacrifice myself, that they might be sanctified through the
truth. I pray not only for these followers, but also for all
believers who learn our words from them. I ask that all followers and
believers may be united as one, as you, Father, are in me, and I am
in you, that they also may be united as one in us. By them becoming
one, the world will have reason to believe that you sent me. And the
light which you gave to me I have given to them. This allows them to
become united as one, even as we are one: my light in them, and your
light in me. The light will lead them to be made perfect in one. That
light I have given to them is evidence to the world that you have
sent me. I have loved them, as you have loved me. Testimony of John 10:207-218