you see and what you hear depends a great deal on your point of view
and where you are standing. It also depends on what light you have
already gathered and what sort of person you are.” (CS Lewis)
…What is your point of view and perspective? Where are you
currently standing? Upon what are you leaning? Trusting? Depending?
Do you confide in Science? Philosophies of men? Surfing the internet?
Religion? Christ? Other?
experiments, tests, reported results, and all conclusions derived in
science account for only a very small fraction of the full detailed
picture. Man's understanding of Science underestimates and fails to
explain and fully identify even a household fly with all its curious
characteristics, not to mention all the creations of God right before
our very eyes. Similarly, when only a few solitary notes are heard in
music, it becomes very difficult to even identify the song, let alone
understand the full intended message.
people today tend to assume that the philosophies of men and
everything found on the internet, facebook, blogs, etc. must surely
be mostly true and is something to count on and base our lives upon.
More correctly, I think the internet, like this world, is full of
varying perceptions, misconceptions, interpretations and partial
conclusions based on a very small sampling and little experience, at
least from God's point of view. In very few places does the internet
contain the word of God declared with power through His servants, but
it does exist. The word of God can and has been found, but like most
things, it is rarely recognized for what it really offers,
represents, and has of merit and value.
extremely limited intelligence and skewed perspectives, we frequently
stumble over very important truths and key events, which remain
unrecognized and appear to be of little worth at best or, on the
other hand, just plain annoying and disturbing. Consequently, we
hurry off as if nothing happened or after what we perceive to be an
inconvenient delay, we pick ourselves up and continue our living as
before. Since we possess such a microscopic understanding of how
things really are and minute comprehension of the big picture, it is
extremely unlikely that men can possibly teach and quote each other
to end up with a perfect picture of reality and full truth
comprehended. To result in even more confusion and misunderstanding,
we each have a different and changing big picture in our minds and
insist it must be true.
religion is viewed from nearly as many different perspectives as
there are people involved. Religion is regarded by the common people
as true, by the sagacious as false, and by the rulers as a useful
instrument of process and control. Truths being restored, angels
calling repentance, and humble servants teaching with heavenly power
is often confused and mixed with an endless source of heresies,
corruption and power, all within various religions, each of which claim to be
of God. Religious institutions, much like the philosophies of men
mingled with scripture, holds much less light than what is available
and any notes of music, if discerned at all, are usually skewed, out
of tune, confusing, and even irritating.
on the other hand, possesses a higher degree of intelligence than do
we. Christ, like the sun, has risen and sends forth light from which
our entire brightness and beauty is wholly derived. He is the way,
the truth, and the life. (John 14:6) He is truly a “been there, seen it, done
it, and experienced it first-hand” sort of friend. It is your choice to truly receive Him as your friend.
“And the Lord
said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits,
one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another
more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more
intelligent than they all.” (Abraham 3:19)
Would it not seem wise to
approach and ask questions and receive answers from the One who is
more intelligent than they all? Christ is the master teacher, who is
full of meekness and love and knows exactly what He is talking about.
Christ perfectly embodies the word of God, precisely lives it, and
fully manifests it. That's why we are commanded to learn of Him and
precisely follow Him.
We must never forget that we are entirely
dependent on God at every moment. When any person lays out “all her
cards” on the alter, hiding nothing, and is not only willing to,
but in fact does hand over her whole self to Christ, things change
significantly and likely can never be the same. Fully coming unto
Christ will cause you to hear the entire symphony, all the pieces of
music, and every single note in perfect sequence and melody. Your
intelligence and understanding will greatly expand. You will find and
know truth Himself and with Him everything else thrown in.