Recently a proposal was forwarded to
me, and I like it! I am reminded of an excerpt from a blog post
written by Denver Snuffer back in 2010. The thought of generating the Lord's choice by casting lots, might be too unpredictable for some, but
this process is recognized in scripture.
There is another
method that we haven’t tried, so far as I know. That would be
to use “lots” to choose from every male in the church. This
method was used to fill Judas’ vacancy in the original Twelve in
Jerusalem. (Acts 1: 21-26.) The description there is
ambiguous, but was intended to be random, unpredictable and not just
a vote. It was a recognized way to choose someone. (See,
e.g., 1 Ne. 3: 11.) It has been used to sort through the
entire nation of Israel when all twelve tribes were assembled.
Someone had stolen an idol, resulting in the withdrawal of the
Lord’s Spirit from them in battle. The result was defeat
for Israel and the death of many men. They needed to find
the one who committed the offense. So they had to choose from
the entire gathering of all twelve tribes. Beginning at
the tribe level, they sorted through to find the right tribe
(Judah). Then proceeded to sort through the tribe to locate the
larger family involved (Zarhites). Then went through the family
to find the individual involved (Achan). The whole thing
is in the scriptures. (Joshua 7: 13-23.)
Such a system was
uncontrolled by man, done by lot, completely random, but produced the
right person. Left to God, it obtained God’s answer.
Did with the sons of Lehi, and with the vacancy in the Twelve in the
Book of Acts, too. There is no reason why such a system
wouldn’t generate the Lord’s choice today. (Denver
Snuffer Blog May 21, 2010) [emphasis added]
The inheritances in Zion will be
arranged by lot.
And it shall come
to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong,
holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a
covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his
bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the
house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of
the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and
of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God; D&C
I see intelligence in what is being
proposed. The one modification I would make is: When the lots are
chosen, it is done in a public meeting. Also, it doesn't matter if a
name is suggested twenty times or one time, every suggested name is
only represented once. The list of names in the drawing are open for
all to see, then the list is cut apart, put into a bowl, and drawn
out while those interested in the process are allowed to observe.
This keeps the entire process transparent. Alternates are drawn because some might respectfully decline the invitation after being chosen: first alternate,
second alternate, and third alternate, etc. Here is the proposal. If
you like it you can add your name to the list of those who endorse this proposal by emailing Jim O’Rullian (
A mechanism is
needed in situations where the Lord requires that something be
accomplished by the mutual agreement, collective voice, common
consent, or majority of His people. Such a mechanism must be
transparent, inclusive, and ensure that all have an equal voice in
the process, thus permitting all to be accountable for their
decisions in such matters. This proposal outlines a process for
creating a temporary or provisional committee to oversee such a
mechanism and discusses their responsibilities as well as the
extremely limited scope and duration of their stewardship. Depending
on the specific nature of what is requested or required by the Lord,
the primary function of this committee would be to facilitate a
process for 1) obtaining the voice of the people and 2) adopting or
otherwise implementing the outcome according to the Lord’s command.
During this past year, the scripture
committee has served as a single point of contact enabling the work
required to complete the scripture project. This has included
managing the flow of information to geographically-separated
fellowships and individuals, and allowed the voice of the people to
be gathered on occasion, counted, reported, and honored with respect
to the scriptures. As the scriptures are published and the primary
work of that committee is now drawing to a close, we believe it
appropriate and timely to come together to establish a new committee,
by the voice of the people, to act as facilitators for the body of
Christ in situations where the Lord requests or requires something be
accomplished by us all, whether it be by mutual agreement, collective
voice, common consent, majority vote, 100% agreement, or some other
The overarching
purpose of the proposed committee would be to serve as a central body
that helps us to work together to fulfill assignments and
commandments from the Lord when He requires that the voice of His
people be involved. The proposed committee would be responsible for
organizing the means by which proposals and differing perspectives
would be collected and facilitate a means by which deliberations
about such proposals or perspectives, as well as the nature of the
assignments or commandments given by the Lord, could occur in an
equitable, transparent, and fair manner so that all would have the
opportunity to critically review, comment, and respectfully discuss
the issues before us. The proposed committee would also develop a
fair and transparent system for assessing the voice of the people on
various proposals or perspectives. The proposed committee would then
report the outcome to the general body in a timely, clear, and
efficient manner. In some cases, the proposed committee may need to
present the outcome to an authorized servant of God who can then
present it to the Lord, or this committee may need to help facilitate
the adoption or implementation of an outcome in a setting such as a
general conference or through another mechanism. Part of the
responsibility of the new committee may be to request that an
authorized servant inquire of the Lord for clarification surrounding
what is being asked or intended in certain assignments or
commandments, or for help in developing a process (eg, what is meant
by “mutual agreement”?). Additionally, an authorized servant
would also be able to call upon this committee as needed in
situations where the Lord has requested or required that the voice of
the people be sought.
In essence, any time an assignment or
commandment from the Lord is given to His covenant people, which
includes ascertaining the voice of the people, the proposed committee
would be activated and responsible for suitably informing the people
of the assignment or commandment that requires resolution, for
soliciting and receiving votes or input, and for disseminating the
results. Thus, the proposed committee would only be activated on
occasions where the Lord has assigned or commanded something be
accomplished by the voice of His people and requires us to work
together to develop a solution or outcome. Therefore, the
purview of the proposed committee would not include the
promotion or facilitating of proposals by individuals or fellowships
acting on personal or collective revelation to complete a commandment
to them or their interpretation of a commandment to the larger body.
Nor would the purview of the proposed committee include serving as a
mechanism to resolve issues among individuals or to approve or
correlate beliefs. Individuals or fellowships wishing to put
something up for consideration for the larger body of believers would
need to develop their own mechanisms for doing so and for obtaining
common consent.
Thus, the scope of responsibility of
the proposed committee would be extremely limited as would their term
of service. The proposed committee would not be part of or form any
sort of hierarchy, or be in a position of authority above any other
individual or fellowship. The proposed committee would have no power
or ability to impose anything upon any individual, fellowship, or an
authorized servant. On the contrary, the individuals who serve on the
proposed committee would function as servants of all. The proposed
committee would have no decision-making power aside from their
primary responsibility of facilitating and managing a transparent and
inclusive decision-making process that will accurately and honestly
gather the voice of the people on specific matters as requested or
required by the Lord, thus safeguarding and protecting equality
among us. (LE D&C 26:2; Mosiah 29:26). Any who join in such an
effort would have to set aside any preferences or biases they have
for any given proposal and focus instead on the mechanism to obtain
the voice of the people on matters required by the Lord. In order to
prevent institutionalism and promote equality among us, we propose
that the members of this committee serve for no more than one
consecutive year. As a result, there may be entire years in which the
services of this committee are not activated or needed. Thus, we view
the proposed committee as having a very limited role on very limited
WE PROPOSE that this new committee be
constituted by the vote and voice of the people according to the
following guidelines:
- Each covenant holder would have the opportunity to recommend the names of no more than three adults, excluding themselves, with one coming from their home fellowship, if possible.
- Recommendations should be based on character and disposition, rather than personal representation (bias). Thus, consider the following list of attributes for those who would serve on this committee:
- Peacemaker
- Meek disposition
- Temperate and dispassionate
- Firm mind, godly walk
- Dependable and full of integrity
- Reasoned, logical, and principled intellect
- Unassuming and not easily provoked
- From the list of those recommended for service, lots will be cast and 7 people chosen to serve for a period of one year. Other than those who have accepted the invitation to serve, the names of individuals recommended will not be made public at any time. Individuals drawn for inclusion on the proposed committee would have the option to decline participation.
- Once selected, the committee would self-organize and determine the best way to move forward in situations where an assignment or commandment from the Lord has been given that requires the voice of the people to be determined.
- At the conclusion of the committee’s one-year term of service, the process for selecting a new committee would be repeated. There would be no carry-over of any individuals or requirement to adhere to any precedents or practices set by prior committees (other than those agreed to by the body of believers in the establishment of this committee).
- In order to initiate this process, we suggest that the scripture committee use the above guidelines to bring together the first committee, given their already established connection to the body of believers as well as their experience in collecting information online. The scripture committee can then step aside and allow the selected committee to move forward.
By utilizing the above suggested
process for establishing a committee to obtain the voice of the
people, we believe individuals and families who have entered into the
covenant of the Lord may have a greater degree of trust and
confidence in those willing to serve in this capacity because
selection is not based on notoriety, popularity, or manipulation. It
is our belief that the proposed committee will become a trusted and
respected source to which we can look for an accurate, reliable, and
timely flow of information on matters that pertain to the entire body
of Christ.
In some cases, the specific process by
which a decision should be made by the voice of the people may be
clearly made known, either by the Lord or as instructed through an
authorized servant, but in other cases it may not be made known or it
may be subject to differing interpretations. Although the noble
efforts of many individuals have led to the development of several
proposed versions of a Guide & Standard, adopting a final
version has remained elusive, primarily due to disagreements about
what the Lord’s criteria are for mutual agreement. There is no
resolution on the horizon that will satisfy all. We believe that the
Lord will provide further light and knowledge on what is meant by
“mutual agreement” if we humbly present our dispute to Him. Since
March 2017, our understanding about what has been commanded and the
process by which we should accomplish this task has evolved. It is
perhaps time to put the past behind us, learn from it, and move
forward as best we can. Therefore, it is our belief that the
committee described in this proposal could serve as a solution to the
situation in which we find ourselves.
Therefore, if enacted, the first order
of business for this committee would be to develop a mechanism by
which the voice of the people can be obtained to determine how we
will conduct our business on this assignment by “mutual agreement”.
For example, do the people desire to adhere to a 51% majority, or a
more stringent 75% majority requirement as modeled in the amending of
the Constitution, or even 100% complete agreement? If it is decided
by the voice of the people that it requires, say, a two-thirds
majority to be considered “the voice of the people” or “mutual
agreement”, then we would be looking for a two-thirds majority of
the people to be in agreement on this issue. Then, the committee can
apply the determined approach to obtain the voice of the people on
several of the options and versions of the Guide & Standard
in order to adopt a final version by mutual agreement. This could
even include allowing the body of believers to choose which version
they will use as a base version and how they will go about revising
it to reach a final Guide & Standard, which would then be
submitted to the people for their voice before adoption; various
inclusive and transparent means of developing such a document have
already been developed. This would only be a starting point for
final acceptance and adoption of the document. Once the voice of
the people has been determined on the matter, it can be presented to
the Lord and/or He could be further petitioned
for His counsel and instruction to fully settle the matter.
We have outlined a proposed process,
via a temporary committee that is limited in their stewardship, which
can assist us in working together to fulfill the commandments and
assignments of the Lord, when the voice of the people is to be
included. The proposed committee will only be established by the
voice of the people. It will not exist independent of the voice of
God's people. We believe it wisdom that this committee be established
at this time for the purposes of moving forward the work of the Lord
in these last days. We also believe that this committee can help
facilitate a limited yet necessary degree of order and efficiency now
and in the future as we strive to fulfil the covenants and
responsibilities placed upon us by the Lord.
Those few individuals who have written
this proposal for the establishment of a new committee have no
expectation to participate as members of that committee and have no
self-interest in its establishment other than to ensure an orderly
mechanism is established among the people of God to continue His
We fully support the scripture
committee’s ongoing efforts to finalize and publish scriptures for
this people. We anticipate they will continue to act in their sphere,
fulfilling all obligations they have to this people and to the Lord
with regards to the scripture project. We are grateful for their
work, but think it would be unfair to impose upon them the ongoing
obligation to act in this capacity for future projects and proposals.
We would like to determine how many
individuals are in favor of this proposal. You can request to have
your name added to this proposal by emailing Jim O’Rullian
with your name. You can also choose to endorse this proposal
anonymously. Please submit your name by 10/10/2017. If you have
better ideas or suggestions for improving this proposal, please also
let us know.
If there is sufficient support for this
proposal, we will ask the scripture committee to consider putting
this proposal up for voting. For lack of a better process at this
point, and to move forward, we suggest that the outcome of this
voting be determined by simple majority as described in the Book of
Mormon (Mosiah 29:26). If the proposal garners majority support at
that point, we propose moving forward with the scripture committee
facilitating the process of collecting nominations to establish this
new committee by 10/17/2017, with the intention that the new
committee would begin service by 11/1/2017.
We desire to be
united as a community of equals, seeking to be of one heart and one
mind. We want to work together and get as many individuals as
possible on board with a process that will help us move forward in
situations where the voice of the people is required by the Lord. Our
sincerest desire is that we can work together in greater harmony,
becoming one in the process, and fulfill the Lord’s commandments to
us as a people.
Very respectfully yours,
Matt Lohmeier
Jim O'Rullian
James (Jamison) Fargo
Kirk Strong
Alan Van Leer
Keith Henderson
Sara Lohmeier
Heidi Fargo
John and Kay Webster
Elizabeth Cramer
John Willis
Jennifer Willis